Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One page at a time...

I have a lot of starts and stops to my writing. In fact, I think the only consistent writing I've done over the last couple of years is almost solely related to one of my blogs. It seems an easy, cathartic way to be creative and keep the writing going.

My most recent question has been, how do I translate the story of my blog to something more substantial? How do I go about creating a beginning, middle, and end when the pieces I have are fragmented and based on emotion and memory, not plot and outline? How do I even get started?

I've decided to try the undertaking of turning my blog Adventures of a Forever Mom into something real and full and complete. I'm not sure how to put it together, yet...or even how to get it started. Where do I start the story? How much to tell? Those are questions I have to grapple with in the writing process, but somehow, some way I'll get there. I just have to get that first sentence...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Writing from life

In a lot of ways, my life is a story. I suppose that's true for everyone. We all have experiences, hurts, joys, and milestones that seem perfect for the written page. I know that I wish I could piece together the story of my Grandmother Delia's story. I imagine that she must have had quite the life raising 12 kids through the tumultuous 20s, depression era, and WWII. Unfortunately, many of those stories went with her when she passed.

I imagine my mom's story would be interesting to write, though I don't know how I could put into words some of the more painful times in her life.

Recently, I've realized the story potential in my own life, though I can't imagine creating some kind of memoir. I'm not that interesting. But, I do see the potential in the story of the recent adoption of my son, either fictionally or otherwise.

I recognize that our story is unique to most adoptions, and I wonder if there's not potential to encourage and enlighten people through our story. How I do that is still up for grabs. We'll see.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just keep trying...

So, yesterday I re-sent W.B.S.F. out to another publisher. I don't know if it'll be accepted or rejected again, but I certainly have no chance at being published if I'm not willing to put myself out there. Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's been a long time!

It's been a long time since I've posted. I'll be honest and say, I haven't thought much about writing lately; my life has been consumed with other things. I really need to put some energy into this, but I don't know where I'll find that energy right now. I'll let you know if something occurs to me.

I have been reading more lately. A lot actually. Right now, I've opened 3 books to read. I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series for about the 8th or 9th or 10th time (I've sorta lost track), and right now I'm on #6. I love those books. Such creativity and precision. I have at least obtained a copy of Water for Elephants, which I'm supposed to be reading for a book club. I still have until October to finish, so that might get pushed to the side. I've also started a non-fiction book, The Connected Child, that deals with adoption, something I'm learning a lot about right now.

When I finish at least the second 2, I'll write what I think about them. Hopefully before October.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Rediscovering the Greats

I've been inspired recently to read some novels that are older than I am. I re-read The Wizard of Oz some months ago (which I totally recommend!) and started Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I haven't finished Alice, yet, but I'll get back to her.

Some friends and I have been doing a book club this summer and decided to crack open a classic: Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie. Agatha really was the queen of suspense. Even today, nearly 80 years after it was originally written, it stands up as a really enjoyable read. I would recommend it! In fact, I may have to pick up a few more of her books...I've heard she's written or two. ;)

I've also decided that it was time that I actually read some of the Jane Austen I've had in my bookshelf for years upon years. I've started with Sense and Sensibility, which is my favorite of the recent novel to movie adaptations that have been made in the last 15 or so years.

I'll let you know what I think when I finish it up.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Keeping it going...

I went to a writer's conference several years ago, and it was fantastic! I remember that one of the speakers talked about the importance of doing something creative everyday in order to keep the juices flowing. While I totally agree and think that's an awesome idea, I have to confess and say that I don't always do that. I just get easily distracted with other things and the creative side of me gets shunted to the side.

I keep up with a certain unnamed television program, and I recently discovered a page that allows fan fiction. Now, if I were a snob, I'd just make fun of the sorry attempts that some people make, but really, at least they're writing! So, I've found myself submitting little seems silly, but I can't help but remember that admonishment to do something creative everyday. So, that's my excuse...I'm stretching my creative muscles.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Creatively speaking

I see faces in the trees and dogs in the clouds and sometimes, when I look just so, it seems like there's a little man in the flowers. I have a pretty active imagination. I almost always see things that aren't there when I look at everyday objects. Don't worry; I'm not crazy. I think I'm just still attuned to that child I was once long ago. I have really vivid dreams as well. I really think these dreams and images are just reminders that I have this well of creativity in me dying to be released onto the page. I just have to open the floodgates and believe that I can do it. That I have it in me to write something interesting, something that will impact those who read it. I don't always feel that way. Too often I criticize myself for not writing the way others write...either in style or in usage. But, isn't God a creative god? Doesn't he like creativity in the world? Look at all the different people that populate this earth. We are all so unique. Perhaps my dreams are just a reminder that God has uniquely created me to be me.